cacao ceremonies

"Ceremonial Cacao expands your ability to connect to

whatever you want to connect with."


- Keith Wilson. 


I  am beyond humbled and gratitude filled to have been guided to start facilitating healing ceremonies using the magickal medicine of the Cacao plant. This mystical plant has been used since 1500 BC - starting with the Native Mesoamercian cultures and then slowly spreading world wide. 

The Mesoamericans, including the Mayans and Aztecs, revered Cacao as sacred and ritualistic. They used it in nearly every ceremony they performed; from the birthing ceremonies right through to assisting in souls crossing over from this realm. They believed it to be a medicine for rejuvination, healing and self-discovery. 


There are so many physical benefits Cacao has to offer due to the incredibly high nutrient content it carries. The benefits range from assisting with cardiac diseases, stabalising of blood sugar levels, assisting with anemia, it improves our energy and vitality and imporves our mood just to name a few. 


But this wonder plant has so much more to offer. On a spiritual level, Cacao assists us in reaching highler planes during meditation thus allowing us to access our higher selves more readily and easily. It also opens our heart spaces, the gateway to accessing ourselves and our inner knowing. If used regulary, Cacao frees us from the invisible obstacles and limitations of our mind that limit our creativity, thereby freeing our trueselves to come out and play. 

Last but my no means least, over a period of continued use, Cacao brings with it a sense of inner peace and a sense of deep knowing. 


I am beyond excited to be able to bring you these different Cacao offerings. I truly believe that when we work with the magick of Gaia's medicine, we gain healings and wisdom on profund and unimaginable levels.


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


 Click on the links below to take you to the cacao journeys currently available and/or those coming up.

coming soon