the chakra journey

Through this journey, we venture through our personal Chakra system and get to look at what areas in our life are affected by our different Chakras. We work through how to change the cycles that we keep perpetuating and we learn why we are keeping ourselves in those cycles.

We learn what drains our Chakra system, how to avoid it and we also look at how to use the Chakra system to our benefit. Knowing what our Chakras have to offer us, learning their super powers becomes a game changer for us! We get to learn how to power ourselves up, how to find some Zen, how to feel more grounded and connected.


Through the sessions we look at different exercises and techniques helping us to move through life more self-confident, more focused, more open and mostly importantly, filled with self-love. Self-love is key to living a life that we want.


1st Session – Assessment:



R1000.00 - SA

$100.00 - USA 

£60.00 - UK

€65.00 - Europe


Duration: 1.5 hours


Individual sessions:



R850.00 - SA

$80.00 - USA

£70.00 - UK

€75.00 - Europe


Duration: 1 hour – notes will be provided for individual Chakras worked on!

Please complete the below form to book your journey ...


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


To book your session or to find out more about the sessions, please complete the form below:

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