cord cutting & reiki session combos

PLEASE NOTE: These sessions are conducted via DISTANCE only. 


These combos were introduced last year as a special but have proved to be a powerful combo and a favourite one. I am therefore making them a permanent fixture in my service log. 


We start by setting you free energetically form any place/person/space that you feel is holding you back. Once that has been done, we go straight into a DISTANCE reiki session in order to clear out any residiual energy pertaining to your cutting and to give your body some energy to help recalibrate after the cutting. 


1 cutting & 1/2 hour usui reiki session: 

This session includes the following as standard procedure:

  • 1 cord cutting for a place/person/space
  • chakra balancing and clearing
  • the chakra system receives energy at strategic points
  • auric sealing
  • grounding



R900.00 - SA

$85.00 - USA 

£75.00 - UK

€80.00 - Europe


Duration: +- 1.5 hours


1 cutting & 1 hour usui reiki session: 

This session includes the following as standard procedure:


  • 1 cord cutting for a place/person/space
  • chakra balancing and clearing
  • the full body receives energy at strategic points
  • auric sealing
  • grounding




R1100.00 - SA

$100.00 - USA 

£85.00 - UK

€95.00 - Europe


Duration: +- 2 hours


2 cuttings & 1 hour usui reiki session: 


This session includes the following as standard procedure:

  • 2 cord cuttings for a place/person/space
  • chakra balancing and clearing
  • the full body receives energy at strategic points
  • auric sealing
  • grounding




R1300.00 - SA

$120.00 - USA 

£105.00 - UK

€115.00 - Europe


Duration: +- 2.5 hours


To book your session or to find out more about the sessions, complete the form below and include the relevant code:

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Contact No:  
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