creative journeys

“At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process arise from a single source.

When you are an artist, you are a healer; A wordless trust of the same mystery

is the foundation of your work and its integrity.”  


- Dr Rachel Naomi Remen.


As a creative person, it is no surprise that I would choose to facilitate healing through Art. There is something about creating that frees the soul. Once lost in creativity, all the ills of our lives seem to disappear. 

I have chosen to incorporate art therapy into a number of different journeys with a view to not only heal ourselves, but more importantly, to do it in a fun and creative way.


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


Click on the images below to take you to the creative journeys currently available and/or those coming up.