crossing overs

Crossing overs are absolutely my favourite part of my journey. Being able to connect souls in pain due to loss with their loved ones is truly one of the greatest gifts I have ever been blessed with.

Should you have lost a loved one and you feel that there are unanswered questions, words left unsaid and emotions left unexpressed, book a session and get some closure.

Spirit has a beautifully gentle way of communicating exactly what our Soul needs in order for us to either start moving forward, to overcome stuck energy and to confirm the love, affection and gratitude from the other side.



R800.00 - SA

$75.00 - USA

£60.00 - UK

€65.00 - Europe


Duration: 1 hour  

Code: C/OVER1




Never before have I felt so at peace after a cross over reading. She is absolutely brilliant. Mara has a special way about her. She cares and connects and validates. Her readings radiate authenticity. I would happily recommend her to anyone.


Colleen Mc

I went for a reading but got a crossing over! An emotional afternoon but what Dyl (+ Ritchie Rich) had to say thru Mara answered so many questions of his last weeks/hours. Mara has a wicked sense of humour + "got" Dyl straight away! He was in the room + I will forever remember my time with her and him. My broken heart healed a bit that day + continues to heal. Mara, thank you from the bottom of my heart angel girl! Will see you soon! Dyl - my steampunk angel - I love + miss you madly ♡♡♡


Stephanie Somaroo

I would just like to thank Mara for being exceptionally accommodating in terms of reassurance and educating people who need her help, even before I even booked my session she answered maybe 200 of my questions😂 with her bubbly personality and she always took the time to validate my feelings.... The actual cross over reading itself was something very heartfelt, but life changing. Mara is an absolutely gifted person but what makes it even more beautiful is that she has a big heart and she Genuinely Cares.... She helped me and shed light beyond what I expected. Word of advice to anyone wanting to explore any spiritual avenues with Mara - Expect Loads Of Love and Laughs💕. Thank you Mara .... Thank you for being who and what you are. 🙏


SoulAngelC Carol Whitfield Alberts

I gifted my son, Shaun, a Cross-Over session with Mara for his 15th birthday, to connect with his birth mommy 💜 Here's what he had to say.....
Thank you so very much aunty Mara for a wonderful and exciting session. You are very talented in your work so please keep on keeping on. I was left with such a good feeling after our session and learnt so much. It was so easy to communicate with you during the session. The messages all made so much sense to me. I am amazed at the work you do. Thank you for the love and caring. This reading will stay with me forever 🙏🏻
regards, Shaun.

Michelle Dolly

I met Mara at a Ladies Business Networking Meeting. I felt the connection immediately. Mara is a generous, caring and a very honest person. It was a very emotional session but a lot was needed to hear and be guided. A lot of the things Mara said I could reaffirm. I also had a crossing over and and wow I must say I was blown away. I can recommend Mara. She is a very Very special lady. I will be back again. xxxxxx


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


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