lightarian™ reiki - masters

NEXT COURSE BEGINS - 16th September. (Monday evenings)


Lightarian™ Reiki has been guided into our time in order to assist in the facilitation of  accelerating the healing process of humanity. It offers us the opportunity to  provide more higher vibrational healing sessions with the assistance of Ascended Master Buddha. The core concept of Lightarian™ Reiki is that we are attuned to the Master Buddha energy as well as other higher Master energies that then offer their frequency to our healing sessions. 


By attuning to Lightarian™ Reiki - you will gain acces to the frequencies of the 3rd - 8th Bands of Reiki energy. Usui - all levels, offers us the 1st band -, Karuna or the Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost" offers us the 2nd band. Lightarian™ Reiki Masters provides access from the 3rd - 8th frequency bands. 


This naturally expands the consciousness and healing of not only the person receiving the sessions but as a Lightarian™ Reiki student, your frequency naturally ascends to much higher levels upon receiving the attunements in the course.  I can personally atest to the difference in session frequency as well as the healings in my own space.


Course Structure:

There are 2 simple steps to the trainig process: 

  • Part 1: This is a self-study section of the course work follwoed by a Q & A with me. This is covered in the monthly attunement video call. This can be done in person or via video call. (I am offering this exclsuively online for now.)
  • Part 2 - Attunement: During the video call we will cover any questions that may arise and then we move onto the attunement. 
  • Levels 1 & 2 are studied together, 3 and 4 are done individually and the 5 & 6 are also taught together. Giving you a total 4 attunements. 
  • If you require the Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost", you will require 5 attunements. 
  • There will be a What's app group that will allow you acces to me should you have any queries or are needing any assistance during your course. 



  • Usui Reiki Master OR the ADVANCED level (3) with the Master Symbol. 
  • Either Karuna level 1 or 2 OR the Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost."
  • The Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost" offers us a bridging gap between the 1st band and the 3rd band and is only necessary for those with ONLY Usui certifications. 



You will receive your first set of notes before the 1st attunement, and your course notes for the next level after every attunement allowing you time to complete the self-study before your attunement. 



  • The general requirement is that we have a 30 day period between  attunements. Therefore there will be 1 attunement a month. It will take 4 months to complete the  course, 5 if you require the Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost."
  • It will be hosted via ZOOM for aprox 1 hour. 


Investment Terms: 

  • Notes - R450 or USD $40 - to be paid before the course. These are ordered from the Lightarian™ Institute directly. 
  • Attunements are available as group attunements or individual if you prefer:
  • Group attunements - R500 or $45 p/p per attunement
  • Individual attunements - R900 or $85 per attunement

PLEASE NOTE: IF you are needing the Lightarian™ "Buddhic Boost" you will need 5 attunements. 


Nots are provided for each of the levels. 



To enquire about your chosen reiki workshop, complete the form below:

Name & Surname:  
E-mail Address:  
Contact No:  
How did you find us?  