maitraya creations 

As someone who is incredibly creative, it has been a natural process that my passion for crafting would merge with my passion for healing. Art for the Heart is all about taking care of ourselves through creativity. As a collective we have become so fast paced and so caught up in the ‘rat race’ that we so often forget the importance of making sure our Souls are nurtured and nourished. I am also so aware that the times when my life has been void of creativity, my physical, external reality has not been fruitful, colourful or for me, creativity is both an escape as well as an anecdote for the reality of life. I spend countless moments lost in colour, ink, paint and words… I am safe there and I am happy there.


Maitraya Creations was born of a desire to offer those at varying degrees of creativity to start investing in themselves. I want those that don’t feel they are creative to dip their toes and discover their true creativity. I invite those who immerse themselves in creativity to dive a little deeper and explore creative depths unimagined.


My heart’s desire is that the Soul Crafting Products that we have to offer, make creativity not only accessible and enjoyable, but that they also add that little extra something that feeds, heals, nurtures and nourishes the user’s Soul a little more every time they are engaged with.


This is my wish from my heart space to yours.


Live creatively always,

Mara xxx