mutterings of a mage...

We often talk about how we need to disconnect or ‘walk away’ from certain places, people and spaces. We all reach pivotal moments in our lives as we evolve, where we are no longer in alignment with certain elements around us. When we hit these spaces, the natural process is one of release. If we do not do this willingly, the Universe steps in and usually sorts it out for us. So, we understand that like snakes shedding their skin to physically grow, we need to shed in order to spiritually, mentally and physically evolve.

We speak about this disconnecting like the simple act of taking a few steps in the opposite direction will make all the difference. And to some extent it does. It starts the balls of change rolling. The reality looks somewhat different. When we truly want to disconnect from something, on a soul level, a little more needs to be done in order to ensure that the breakaway is done properly and thoroughly. We are such complex beings, with so many different levels of attachments in so many different spaces. When we get serious about truly disconnecting from anything or anyone, we need to ensure that all aspects have been tended to.


Let us for a moment just put the spaces/places/people into context for a broader understanding of why we have so many levels of attachment! Firstly, for those of us who believe, we carry so much from our past lives. Not only do we carry our ‘stuff’ being our karma, lessons etc… we also come into this incarnation with soul contracts connected to those people that cross our paths. People, as we know, cross our paths for various different reasons – largely to teach us lessons – how to be loved, how to receive, what not to accept… the list goes on and on. But some come along to clear their karma with us or for us in fact to clear ours with them. When we go into the space of past lives, we often have no idea what we are carrying from our different time adventures. We also connected very strongly to places. Most of us have at least once in our life – left a place – either a home, holiday destination or institution that we have loved and really not wanted to leave. We have attachments to these places. Now let me be clear here – not all attachments are negative in our space, however, when we hold onto to the past even unknowingly, we then block what is meant for our present and then inevitably our future too!


Energetic cords attach to us, largely to our Chakra system – allowing whatever/wherever/whomever the other end is attached to, to have access to our energy CONSTANTLY. This is of course not to our benefit as we can feel drained/emotional or any other number of sensations or emotions without being aware of why we are feeling them. The most detrimental is our attachment to people, as they can actively have access to you when they are needing a little power boost or are feeling down etc… and they may not even consciously be doing it! Cutting Cords is honestly one of the most important parts of our Spiritual hygiene routine in my opinion.


As an indication of what the importance of clearing these cords are, what needs to be cleared needs to be cleared through the Akashics. (Akashic records – I will create a blog post about what they are at some point.) We need to gain access to past lives, soul contracts and life lessons. We need to then cut the energetic cords through all of these times and spaces. This is not small stuff!


So when do we need to cut cords:

1.After a relationship/marriage break up.

2.When you have ended a cycle and carry attachment to the cycle that may hinder you moving forward.

3.When you repeat cycles/patterns in your life.

4.When you are feeling stuck in a space for a known reason to you.


The above are just a few examples of when cord cuttings are needed! Should you feel like you may be in need of a cord cutting session, please be careful about facilitating it yourself. It is always safer to use a practitioner that is comfortable, confident and knowledgeable about the process!


Click on the link below to get more info on the cutting cord process:


Sending you so much love and looking forward to connecting with you soon!

All my love always,

Mara xxx