mutterings of a mage...

Hi Everyone!!


So, while pondering this post – Spirit came through loud and clear, “Look to what you love...” As you will come to learn that 2 of my greatest passions are creativity in all and every form and of course the Chakras! Just thinking about these two things creates this fabulous fizzy feeling in my tummy – just like somebody has opened a bottle of bubbly!


So why creativity?? As someone who hosts creative workshops – the first question I get for first timers is always going to be, “Am I going to be able to do this? I am not a naturally creative person.” How is it that we can believe so little in ourselves?? Creativity is in actual fact, a natural state of being. Yes, there are some crafts that require certain skills to be learnt but why do we choose to limit ourselves by the belief that we are unable to rise to creative challenges??


As someone who takes on many, many crafts I can honestly say that as long as you have a desire to learn something, and I do mean an authentic desire to learn something, there is absolutely no reason you cannot learn it. Well maybe there is one, yes, maybe one. YOU!


So here is a little secret that maybe you don’t realize, being creative is an intensely private and exceptionally cathartic experience. As such, unless you are an exhibitionist by nature – your creative work is for nobody but you!! Who cares if there is a colour that may be a shade too light or too dark? Or that the image on the right of the page should have been slightly further to the right? 


For those that are serious control freaks, (I say this a little too quietly, with dodgy eye movements as a side order!) this is one area of your life you can truly just be free! It did take me a while to get to that but the journey is so rewarding!!


So... What does creativity do for our Chakra system? The first stop on our Chakra journey will be to our 2nd Chakra ...The Sacral Chakra. This is the seat of our creativity and is situated over our womb space. (For Women.) This is the Chakra that is all about creating – including LIFE. Creativity helps keep this Chakra open and functioning properly. We always hear about CREATING THE LIFE WE WANT. Well, this Chakra is the 2nd last stop before our manifestations are birthed through our Base Chakra. If this Chakra is blocked – there is no way we can manifest what we want. Whether it be that trip to the Maldives or more yarn (#justsaying) or even a new car. This is your one stop Creativity Shop!


The 2nd stop will be to your Solar Plexus Chakra, the 3rd Chakra of the 7 major Chakras. Although this is not about creativity per say, it is about our self-definition, it is in essence our POWER centre. It is about how we view ourselves, motivation, determination, self-discipline, willpower and the like. Thus it goes without saying that if you are achieving, learning new skills, and creating items that you are proud of, you will naturally charge this Chakra and in doing so, you will be creating more of that POWER energy that we all so desperately need to function.


Finally we reach a little further up the ladder and we get to our 5th Chakra, The Throat Chakra. This Chakra is all about creativity and communication. When we are creative the Throat and Sacral Chakras are activated and they begin to balance each other out. For those not in the know about our Chakra system, we need all 7 Chakras to be open and balanced. If one is deficient, excessive or even blocked – it will affect the rest of your system! Creativity in the Throat is all about creatively speaking our truth and living our soul path!!


I strongly encourage my clients that are not creative, to start engaging in some form of creativity. This is just to get them started. Find something that you find interesting, something you want to learn and get stuck in. I guarantee you will not regret it.


One final thought ... be careful not to confuse Art and Creativity. You do not need to be an artist to be creative however; you need to be creative to be an artist.


I hope this gets you journaling, crocheting, sewing, colouring in or even gardening! Find your passion and live it!


In light and love always,

Mara xxx