twin flame readings

This reading is for those that specifically KNOW that they are in a TWIN FLAME connection. As a DF myself (Divine Feminine), I can atest to the fact that this is not the easist of journeys to take. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, frustrating, tiring and even unhealthy. We need to work and focus on ourselves in order for our Twin to start their ascension journey as well and more than that, the chaser needs to become the runner in order for some connections to be activated! 


We need to both (Divine Masculine and Feminine), ascend to a certain frequency in order for us to meet our divine counterpart and be in union. This reading will assist those twins that are struggling in their journeys! 


Book this reading if you: 

  1. Need clarity on any blockages/challenges the connection may be currently facing. 
  2. What YOU need to be focusing on/working on in order to raise your frequency.
  3. What your current energy is.
  4. What their current energy is. 
  5. What direction is this journey going? 
  6. Any other info that may pertain to your personal journey! 


Tarot and/or Oracle cards will be used to clarify and give further insight into the answers! 



R850.00 - SA

$80.00 - USA

£70.00 - UK

€75.00 - Europe


Duration: 1 hour  


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


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