your next love readings

This reading is designed to assist those that are wanting to know who is coming into their energy. This reading will  focus on what the person will be like, what you can expect from them in terms of relationahip material and how it plays out. This reading also gives you an indication if there is anyhting that you need to change/ heal/do in order to bring love into your life!


In this reading we will take a look at both your energy and that of your person of interest/partner. We then dive deeper into the query. Tarot/oracle cards will be used to gain some clarity! 


Book this reading if: 

  1. You want to know about your future love.
  2. You want to find out if there is anything you need to do before they arrive. 
  3. What you can expect from them and the relationship. 
  4. Is this person a soul mate/karmic/twin flame? 



R750.00 - SA

$70.00 - USA

£60.00 - UK

€65.00 - Europe


Duration: 45 minutes. 


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


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