mutterings of a mage...

The importance of cutting cords...
2022-04-20 12:11 We often talk about how we need to disconnect or ‘walk away’ from certain places, people and spaces. We all reach pivotal moments in our lives as we evolve, where we are no longer in alignment with ce...
The Sacred Art of Ritual.
2021-07-19 09:00 "One of the greatest misconceptions about the Art of Rituals is that everything has to be done a specific way, that not much is personal and that everything must be done in the manner that another has...
PTSD and Reiki.
2019-10-30 09:00 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or more commonly known as PTSD – affects more people in South Africa than is actually realised. The reason being that there are a vast number of different triggers that c...
Grief vs Mourning
2019-08-19 09:00 In the past few years, having been through some of the most traumatic moments of loss in my life, I have learned a few very important lessons. Most of them would have made my life a whole lot easier h...
Blame vs Responsibility
2019-02-04 09:00 So today's post is maybe not the easiest or most fun to have to deal with but understanding the difference between these two concepts is an absolute game changer! I hope that if something you read...